Consulting/Review Fee Schedule
- Life insurance policy reviews
- $800 for a permanent policy, $200 for every additional policy.
- Advanced Planning Consulting & Reviews- (Crummey Hanging Withdrawal Rights, Premium Financing, Split Dollar, Executive Compensation Plans, Estate Planning Documents, Business Documents)- Review of the actual plan design and policy’s funding the plan
- $900 minimum, totals quoted on a projected project basis.
- $300 minimum hourly rate
Insurance Underwriting & Product Placement
- Life Insurance- targeted commission or fee (no load products) as a % of death benefit is 1.5%. (Note: commissions may be more or less depending on age/ sex/ health rating of the clients, product guidelines and premium funding level and design. Only some life insurance products enable targeting of commissions paid. Most play a fixed dollar amount that is unchangeable.)
- Individual and group disability and LTC products- Individual Disability and Long-term care products generally pay a flat % of premium that is unchangeable. Group disability generally pays commissions up to 8% of first year premiums paid. Depending on the work involved we may charge commissions between 8 and 6% of first year premiums paid.